Learning a language is a skill for life. At Abbey College all students study Spanish in KS3. The Key Stage 3 curriculum covers the key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and is based on the topics in the Viva text book. New language is acquired through the use of phonics, grammar progression, key topics and sentence builders which greatly help students become independent learners & more confident speakers. We also want students to enjoy their lessons, be successful language learners and find the subject rewarding as Spanish is a core subject in KS4.
Current Year 11 students are following the GCSE Spanish course which is examined and assessed by AQA (Code is 8698). Across the Key Stage, key language is delivered through three themes devised by the examination board:
Theme 1 - Identity & culture
Theme 2 – Local, national, international & global areas of interest
Theme 3 – Current & future study and employment
While the course is of a practical and useful nature, GCSE students will also acquire a sound knowledge and understanding of grammar. Whatever plans you may have for the future, knowledge of a language will increase your options. The transferable skills gained on the course will be ideal for learning future languages and for studying in the 6th Form.
In light of GCSE Modern Languages reforms, we are in the process of rewriting out Key Stage 4 Schemes of Work to align more closely with new exam content. These schemes of work will be added to and updated throughout the year.
Current Year 9 & 10 students are following the GCSE Spanish course which is examined and assessed by AQA (Code is 8692). Assessment is set in the context of these three themes.
- Theme 1: People and lifestyle
- Theme 2: Popular culture
- Theme 3: Communication and the world around us
GCSE Spanish has a Foundation tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.
GCSE Spanish has a Foundation tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.
Both specifications are examined with terminal exams in the skills of listening, speaking, reading & writing. They are all weighted at 25% each
The AQA FCSE (Foundation Certificate of Secondary Education) can be used as a standalone qualification or as a preparation for GCSE.
The topics and themes are closely linked to those at GCSE and the knowledge and skills are directly transferrable. At Abbey College, students will study the three following topics in Years 9 & 10 as part of the full course:
Theme 1: My World -
Unit 2 – Education and Future Plans – what school/college is like, plans for future eg jobs, likes/dislikes and opinions
Theme 2: Holidays -
Unit 3 – Holidays and Travel – holiday destinations and activities, getting around, preferences and opinions
Theme 3: Lifestyle -
Unit 6 – Food and Drink – shopping for food and drink, preferences and opinions on food/drink, eating habits.
The FCSE is studied as a Full Course at Abbey College with accreditation for all four skill areas: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
There are 3 levels of award: Pass, Merit, Distinction.
A Distinction is roughly equivalent to a Grade 3 at GCSE.
There is no end of course exam. Over the course of 2 years, students must complete one assignment in each skill for three different units taken from three different themes. All assignments are marked by the teacher and moderated by the exam board.
Further Information
More information on the FCSE in Spanish can be found on the AQA Website
The Spanish A’ Level course helps students develop confident, effective communication skills in the language and a thorough understanding of the culture of countries and communities where the language is spoken. It also covers the study of set texts and films which broadens students’ horizons and cultural knowledge. An A’ Level in a language will also aid students preparing for future studies.