Welcome to Abbey College Year 8 Options
You are about to complete one of the most important processes of their schooling so far, the selection of your Option Subjects.
The aim of the Options Evening is to provide you and your family with the opportunity to explore each of the subjects that we offer and to learn more about what it is like to study a course in Key Stage 4.
The Options Evening is on 27th March 2025, 4:30 - 6:00pm or 6:00 - 7:30pm.
Options information will be collected using a Microsoft office form which will be emailed out after the Options Evening. We encourage parents to return forms promptly before courses fill up. Some courses have strictly controlled class sizes. Details of the final deadline will be included in the form.
Contacts for support:
If you need support with the Microsoft form please contact:
If you need support with the options process
Miss Qureshi, Raising standards Lead for Year 8 -
Dr Oswell, Assistant Headteacher -
If you need support accessing student email accounts