Abbey College, Abbey Road, Hollow Lane, Ramsey Cambridgeshire PE26 1DG

At Abbey College ‘Every Child Matters’, and we pride ourselves on our high standards of pastoral care. Each student is treated as an individual and supported to achieve the highest standards they are capable of.

Your child's form tutor is their first port of call for any concern that they might have.  Our Welfare Team are available to provide support during lunch and break time for identified students to manage their emotions, resolve conflicts effectively or simply to provide an opportunity for a quiet chat. Alternatively, concerns or worries can be reported using the button in the 'Reporting a Concern' box.

We have trained a small group of our students to act as peer mediators.  They support students in overcoming conflict and friendship issues.  The aim of this is to model positive problem solving skills as well as preventing friendship problems from escalating into bullying. This can be requested using the button in the 'Reporting a Concern' box.

 Wellbeing support for AC July 2022 Page 1



We have listed areas for support below or the Welfare Team can be emailed directly: 

SENDIASS Cambridgeshire's SEND Information, Advice and Support Service SENDIASS
Keep Your Head Information for young people, parents/carers and professional on young people's mental health
Mind A free learning resource about the mental health of children young people and adults
Kite Trust Suport with health and wellbeing
CAMHS Live   Support with feelings of Depression, Anxiety, Self-harming, Suicidal thoughts, Stressed
Young Minds   Crisis Messenger Text YM to 85258
Childline     Online, on the phone help about all areas of concern. Web site is full of useful information 0800 1111
VOICE Victim of theft, robbery, attacks, abuse, violence, harassment, or stalking? 0300 3031965  
CIRV In a Gang and want out? Know someone else who needs help getting out of gang related activity? Call 24/7 on 07539183975  
STEM4 Supporting teenage mental health 
NHS For your mind, for your body – support for all areas
NSPCC National Society for the Protection of Children 0808 800 5000 (free)
Samaritans Support for people in crisis 08457 909090
Kooth Free safe and online support for young people
CHUMS Mental health and emotional well-being to support children Peterborough:  0330 0581 657 Cambridgeshire :  0330 0581 659
Educate Against the Hate Government advice and resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
PACE Parents Against Child Exploitaiton
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families Children's charity dedicated to providing training & support for child mental health services.
FGM Help and advice on FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Chat Health Text Line

Run by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Healthy Child Programme and is a secure and confidential text messaging service for young people aged 11-19 across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who are struggling with a range of health issues.

07480 635 443 (open Monday - Friday  9.30-4pm)

Anti Bullying

At Abbey College we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, where students say that bullying is rare. Students are encouraged to report any bullying to their form tutor, a student support officer or any member of staff.  They can also report unkindness or bullying using the link below. 

Support & Pastoral Care Information

Reporting a Concern