The Parent's Forum was set up in December 2020 to provide an additional space for parents and carers to have the opportunity to feedback on school provision, offer a parent/carer perspective on current policy and share ideas about future projects.
A message from our Chair: I'm Charlotte Downing a Community Governor and chair of the Parent's Forum. The Parent's Forum meets once every half term for an hour (max) on Teams and provides our parent community an opportunity to engage with school staff in a relaxed and informal setting. We discuss several different topics each time from behavior policy and communication to enrichment activities and fund raising via our pre-loved uniform shop. This is not a version of a primary PTA, we won't sign you up for running a tombola or facepainting, we just welcome your voice and input into how we can continue to improve our school and enrich the education of our young people. If you are unable to attend, you can still have your say. A survey is sent out each half term asking for your feedback and suggestions, these survey results are reviewed and fed into the Parent's Forum agenda. Why not come along and see what it’s all about! |
Some of our achievements:
- A second uniform supplier
- The selling of pre-loved uniform
- Discussion on supporting less able students
- Dsicussion on raising student aspirations
- Our very own facebook page
We have a parent who is kindly going to lead on fundraising – we’d love some more volunteers and more parents on the committee.To join the Forum, volunteer for fundraising, or suggest a theme for a future meeting, email:
The date of the next meeting will be Wednesday 5th February. The meeting agenda will be available in the documents section of this page a week before the meeting. Please email if you would like details to join the Teams meeting.
- School Uniform: Please donate your outgrown school uniform, PE kits, football boots, etc., to us! The Parent Forum is selling Abbey College Pre-loved uniform. All clean donations of reusable school kit can be bagged up and left at Reception.
- Used Revision Guides: No matter how old, we’ll find a home for them. Please drop these off in Reception.
- Please help us raise money whenever you shop online, every donation makes a difference! There are 1000's of retailers who will donate for free. Please sign up here: