Abbey College, Abbey Road, Hollow Lane, Ramsey Cambridgeshire PE26 1DG

Requests for Paper Copies

If you need a paper copy of the information on our website, we wiil provide this free of charge. Please contact our school office for your request who will provide a hardcopy as soon as possible.

School contact details

Name: Abbey College

Address: Abbey Road, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PE26 1DG

Telephone: 01487 812352

Email address for enquiries: 

Admission arrangements

All admissions are managed by Cambridge County Council.

Contact DetailsLinks and Numbers
Address: Cambridge Admissions Team, OCT1221, New Shire Hall, Emery Crescent, Enterprise Campus, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, PE28 4YE
Telephone: 0345 045 1370
Fax:  01223 727 941
Website: Click Here
Appeals Website: Click Here

 Please see our Admissions policy available for download in the side bar of the page.

Annual consultation and determined admissions arrangements


Our latest Ofsted report can be found on the right of this page and we have also provided weblinks to the Ofsted Reports website, Ofsted Parent View (where parents and carers can provide feedback on the school) and Ofsted's Data Dashboard. 

Performance data

Data can be found on our Performance and Achievement page. Further details are also available on the DfE Website, a link to which has been provided in the side bar of the Performance and Achievement page.

The Curriculum

Our Curriculum Policy is available for download in the side bar of the page. Furthermore, we provide significant breakdowns on Curriculum Subject offerings within our Curriculum menu options above.

Behaviour policy

We have provided a downloadable copy of our "Behaviour for Learning" on the side bar of this page as well as our Physical Intervention Policy which is related to behaviour at our school.

Charging and Remissions policy

We have provided a downloadable copy of our "Charging and Remissions Policy" on the side bar of this page.

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) information (Inclusion)

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy is available on the side bar of this page. This is complemented by our Safeguarding Policy, our Equality & Diversity Policy and Children in Care Policy.

Pupil Premium Funding

The Government believes that Pupil Premium (PP) funding, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the underlying inequalities between children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), or who have been eligible in the last 6 years, and their peers.  

For the academic year 2023-24 the government is also adding a ‘Recovery Premium’  to help schools meet the demands of ensuring all pupils catch up after the Covid pandemic.  The Recovery Premium provides additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2023 to 2024 period and, through building on the Pupil Premium, this funding will help schools to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils, but it is not solely to be used on disadvantaged pupils.   

The Recovery Premium is calculated on a per pupil basis and all mainstream schools will get £276 for each eligible pupil in mainstream education. Very much like the pupil premium, schools can:  

  • spend the Recovery Premium on a wider cohort of pupils than those who attract the funding.  
  • direct Recovery Premium spending where they think the need is greatest.  

Schools also receive funding for: children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and students who are were looked after and are now no longer in care. Students who are the children of either currently serving member of HM forces, or who have retired on a pension from the Ministry of Defence qualify for  ‘Service Premium’ is not classed as Pupil Premium but is allocated to help with pastoral support.   

The Pupil Premium (PP) and Service Premium currently stands at:  

  • £1035 for every secondary age pupil who claims free school meals or who has claimed free school meals in the last 6 years.  
  • £2,530 for every pupil who are within local authority care.  
  • £2,530 for every pupil who has left local authority care through adoption, a special guardianship order or child arrangements order.  
  • £335 for every child of either a serving member of HM forces or retired on a pension from the MOD.  

The PP funding is used to help fund a range of educational benefits for pupils across the school such as targeted small group interventions, additional pastoral support, or inclusion in school activities such as extra-curricular clubs, school trips and music lessons.   

It is a requirement for the academic year 2023-24 that the school publishes both how the money was spent in 2022-23 and how it is going to be spent in the coming year 2023-24.  The coronavirus has, for the past 2 years, interrupted a considerable number of planned activities for pupils in receipt of PP funding but there have still been considerable efforts made to ensure that those in receipt of PP funding have received additional support.     

There are several activities outlined in ‘The strategy document’ which have been taken from the ‘Abbey College Pupil Premium Charter’. 


The Charter focuses on closing the gap in attainment, attendance, parental engagement, CEIAG (Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance) and pupil experiences.   

There is much evidence to suggest that those in receipt of Pupil Premium funding do not always experience a rich set of activities and opportunities which broaden their outlook and perspective.  Therefore, a significant strand of the Charter focuses on giving pupils a set of experiences and memories they will never forget.  We encourage all pupils, but especially those in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding, to extend the boundaries of learning and take part in school trips, visits and to live a broad range of childhood experiences offered by our Offers and Opportunities Programme (OOP).    

The impact of activities outlined in the Charter and in the strategy document above, are reviewed throughout the academic year both internally by the school, as well as through external quality assurance visits. 


Please follow this link to our Governors web page which describes the required details of our Governing Body in full.

Ethos and Behaviour

We have created a webpage dedicated to our Ethos and Behaviour. Please follow this link to this page.

Annual reports and accounts

We publish the following financial information about our school where appropriate:

  • annual reports
  • annual audited accounts
  • memorandum of association
  • articles of association
  • names of charity trustees and members
  • funding agreement
  • higher paid staff (There is one member of staff earning between £100K and £110K, details can be found within the audited accounts)
  • The Accounting Officer is Andy Christoforou
  • The Chief Financial Officer is Melanie Hyde


The Complaints Policy and Procedure is available for download from the panel on the right of this page:

Ofsted Report

Key Policies & Reports

Title Download
pdf Abbey College Student IT Acceptable Use Agreement Download Preview
pdf Accessibility Plan November 22 Download Preview
pdf Admissions Policy 2024 Download Preview
pdf Admissions Policy 2025 Download Preview
pdf Alternative Provision Policy 2022 Download Preview
pdf Anti Bullying Policy November 2023 Download Preview
pdf Behaviour Policy November 2023 Download Preview
pdf Biometrics Policy March 23 Download Preview
pdf British Values Statement Download Preview
pdf Charging and Remissions Policy 2023 Download Preview
pdf Children in Care Policy February 2024 Download Preview
pdf Complaints Policy and Procedure 2024 Download Preview
pdf COVID 19 Respiratory Risk Assessment April 2022 Download Preview
pdf Curriculum Policy 2023_2024 Download Preview
pdf Data Protection and Freedom of Information Policy 2022 Download Preview
pdf Enquiry or Complaint Response Form September 2019 Download Preview
pdf Equalities Guidelines April 2022 Download Preview
pdf Equality (Pupil), Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2022 Download Preview
pdf Equality and Diversity Policy (Staff) June 23 Download Preview
pdf Exclusion Guidance 2022 Download Preview
pdf First Aid Policy September 2022 Download Preview
pdf Health and Safety Policy - May 2024 Download Preview
pdf Home School Agreement Download Preview
pdf Parental Rights and Responsibilities Download Preview
pdf Physical Intervention Policy March 2022 Download Preview
pdf Post 16-19 Funding Statement 2022/23 Download Preview
pdf Prevent Duty Policy 2023 Download Preview
pdf Pupil Remote Learning Policy March 2024 Download Preview
pdf Records Management Policy and Retention Schedule January 2023 Download Preview
pdf Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2021 Download Preview
pdf Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy September 2023 Download Preview
pdf Scheme of Delegation - 2023 Download Preview
pdf School Closure Contingency Plan March 2024 Download Preview
pdf SEND Information Report September 2023 Download Preview
pdf Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy September 2023 Download Preview
pdf Student Code of Conduct September 2022 Download Preview
pdf Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy June 2022 Download Preview
pdf Teaching and Learning Policy DRAFT 2023 Download Preview
pdf Uniform Policy May 2024 Download Preview
pdf Whistleblowing Policy 2024 Download Preview