Abbey College, Abbey Road, Hollow Lane, Ramsey Cambridgeshire PE26 1DG

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is based on the revised Mathematics Programme of Study for Key Stage 3. The implementation of our year 7 and 8 curriculum considers both the range of topics that students have studied at KS2 and the varying degrees of mastery that students have achieved as they enter KS3. During Year 7 and 8 we cover all five GCSE assessment objectives (number, algebra, geometry, ratio and proportion, probability and statistics) and build the key knowledge that students need to develop their understanding of more complicated concepts to come. All students follow the same curriculum until the spring term of year 9 when they move onto a Foundation, Crossover or Higher course, determined by their level of mastery across the topics they have studied up to this point. Students and classes may move between these courses based on their assessment outcomes.    Development of fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem-solving are core to our teaching across all topics.

We are currently redeveloping our curriculum in collaboration with the Meridian Trust. This begins with a new program of study for our year 7 cohort in 2023-4. The development of the curriculum is research informed and aims to build procedural and conceptual fluency and foster an appreciation for and enjoyment of mathematics for all students during their 7 year journey through secondary education.


Students in year 7 and 8 complete their homework using Eedi, an online platform which uses diagnostic questions to identify any misconceptions and then assigns follow up questions that provide fluency support, intelligent practice or stretch and challenge, specifically targeted to the needs of each student. Homework is set every Thursday and should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.


Lessons provide opportunities for students to complete enrichment activities that deepen their understanding of the core curriculum. We also enter students for the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) challenge at the junior level and deliver Careers lessons once per half term to expose students to a diverse range of mathematicians and career sectors that involve mathematics. In the 2023-4 academic year, we are launching Maths Circles in collaboration with MESME. This is an exciting initiative for our most enthusiastic mathematicians and will run as an OOP.

At Key Stage 4, content required by the GCSE specification is taught from the Spring term in year 9 but forms part of an integrated 7 year journey through our department. The Mathematics team motivate students by ensuring that the syllabus is taught in a positive and engaging manner,  and by providing them with the opportunity to work in a variety of ways. Our programme of study builds on the material learnt in Key Stage 3 and includes problem solving, half termly careers lessons and space for students to develop conceptual and synoptic understanding over time. Assessment objectives are shared with students throughout the course and are regularly tested in low stakes assessments. Students and teachers use these to identify each individual learner's needs and next steps and to make their progress visible. Some of our students study for an additional GCSE qualification in Statistics, examined in Year 10. All year 9 and 10 students are able to access this course through an after school OOP. Students working towards a grade 8 or 9 in year 11 may also be entered for level 2 Further Mathematics which extends their understanding of the most challenging GCSE topics and provides a transition into A-Level Mathematics.


Students in years 9, 10 and 11 complete weekly homework through the Dr Frost online platform. This should take 30-60 minutes to complete, is comprised of a mixture of fluency and exam questions and requires a more substantial written component than is expected at KS3. We believe that practicing written mathematical communication is vital to the development of students mathematical reasoning skills and therefore give whole class feedback on the quality of written solution that is expected for homework assignments.


To promote and encourage students' love for mathematics, we enter them into the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) intermediate challenge. To support them, we provide additional study sessions, weekly after school revision Interacts and one-off masterclasses, all run by our mathematics teachers or experienced external tutors. We also aim to invite outside speakers and run external trips to promote learners' interest in mathematics and give them a taste of post-16 mathematics. Careers lessons in KS4 showcase a broad range of opportunities for both further study and the world of work that require mathematical skills and thinking. Students opting to study Mathematics at KS5 complete personalised summer assignments to help them prepare for their new courses.

At Key Stage 5, the Mathematics department offers three different Level 3 courses: A-Level Mathematics, A-level Further Mathematics and Core Mathematics. All of these curricula build on knowledge acquired during GCSE study.

A-Level Mathematics deepens understanding of concepts previously seen at GCSE, particularly in Algebra and Geometry and introduces new topics including Calculus and Exponentials and Logarithms. In addition, it gives some applied context in the form of Mechanics and Statistics and this is useful for a broad range of post-18 pathways. The entry requirement for this course is a grade 7 at GCSE. A-Level Further Mathematics is targeted at students who attain a grade 8 or 9 at GCSE and supports study of Mathematics and related areas at University. Core Mathematics is aimed at students who are looking to explore mathematics used in real-life. In this course, students are engaged by discovering various areas of mathematics used in, for instance, personal finance, logistics and estimation. This course supports the study of post-16 courses that involve applied mathematics including Science, Geography, Engineering, Business and many more.

Our curricula and our teachers ensure that students are continuously exposed to problem-solving and supported as they tackle innately challenging mathematical concepts. All teachers working with KS5 groups are experts in their field and are able to deliver high quality feedback that effectively supports students to improve. We also offer individual support to students who are intending to take University entrance tests in year 13 or are preparing for interviews for any course related to their mathematical studies.


To promote and encourage students' love for mathematics, we enter them into the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) senior challenge. To support them, we provide additional study sessions and masterclasses, all run by our mathematics teachers. We also aim to invite outside speakers and run external trips to promote learners' interest in mathematics and give them a taste of post-18 mathematics. Students in year 12 have the opportunity to tutor younger students and are supported in developing effective tutoring practices.

Students are assessed in class at the end of each topic. These assessments are used to help students and teachers identify strengths and weaknesses and to guide Close the Gap activities. Students keep a record of these assessments in their assessment books but results are not reported home to parents. Students sit major assessments two or three times a year, these are formally marked and moderated and results reported home to parents following the school’s assessment calendar and reporting guidelines. Our teachers undertake training in exam marking and moderation practices to ensure that our grading in Key Stage 4 accurately reflects the level that students are currently working at.

All major assessments are completed under controlled conditions in order to build up vital skills required for success at all levels. In exam years, we ensure that students sit the trial examinations under exam conditions in the hall to prepare them for their external assessments. Students with access arrangements will have the opportunity to practice using them effectively. Revision lists will be posted on Teams in advance alongside assessment dates and guidance about calculators and equipment.

We believe in Quality First teaching, as focussing on inclusive, flexible, empowering teaching leads to the best outcomes for all of our students, including those with SEND. APDR (Assess Plan Do Review) documents detail the strategies that allow teachers to best support each individual SEND student. This may include providing coloured handouts, chunking tasks, using Now Then Next boards, early verbal check ins, a second Ask or any other strategy that has been identified as effective for a particular student.

We will also support SEND students with login details for online homework platforms and verbal reminders to help them organise their homework schedule. A homework support session runs in M2 to give our SEND students a quiet place in school to complete their homework.

Some of our SEND students are invited to numeracy interventions if this is an area where they need support. Students who have successfully completed a numeracy intervention may be supported with a resource pack to help them to maintain this success in their mainstream lessons.