Abbey College, Abbey Road, Hollow Lane, Ramsey Cambridgeshire PE26 1DG

Da Vinci

If you have any concerns or need to tell us anything about your son/daughter, including absence please do not hesitate to contact us on: 01487812352 – option 3.

The vision for Team Da Vinci is to continue and develop further our ethos where students and staff enjoy and celebrate both personal and team achievements in all areas of school life.  

Through the strength of our team support, we have built an environment in which our young people want to succeed, are happy, and accept the challenges that are presented to them.  

We have developed a strong sense of ‘family’ through the time we spend together on a daily basis.  Form time enables us to work closely towards many activities such as charity work, House competitions, careers, information and guidance sessions plus much more.

Personnel in Charge

  • SLT: Dr Oswell
  • Head of House: Mrs Peattie
  • Lead Learners: Mrs Wibberley, Ms McCrory, Miss Gerrard-Cook
Display # 
Name Position Phone
Mr Austin T12
Mrs Wood M06
Miss Beel M05
Miss Gerrard-Cook T06
Mr Ticahnow M10
Mrs Glen T05
Mrs Peattie
Mrs Grainge M09
Mr Pires IT03
Mr Robinson T02
Dr Oswell

College Houses

Visit the House Webpage (click image)
